Whatever Happened to PredatorHunter.com?
The Unaccounted Disappearance of a Website that Dealt With Unsavory Hypnotists

In putting together this website, we have scoured the worldwide web long and hard, yet have not been able to find one active site that focuses on and deals with hypnosis abuse. However, it needs to be noted that there once was a website posted from a vigilante who professed to hunt hypnotist predators, PredatorHunter.com, but for some reason, the site is now gone.


The first site found was for sale, with no discernible hypnosis content, however, there are some questions about this site, particularly the start date.

According to WhoIs... the  website was posted on June 26, 2003.  See:  WhoIs 1  |  WhoIs 2

The real interesting stuff comes up when you visit the internet Wayback Machine. There are two oddities of note...:

Number 1, the Wayback Machine shows that this site was archived on March 5, 2002, over a year before WhoIs says it began.

Number 2, the Wayback Machine appears to have been scrubbed of all recorded archives of this website. That is very intriguing, for a web repository to not have any screenshots whatsoever of a website.


The fact that WhoIs lists the site's creation date as 2003, but the Wayback Machine shows that it was in existence over a year earlier in 2002, is also quite odd. Couple that with the fact that ALL recorded archives of this site no longer exist and you have the makings of a bonafide Scooby Doo mystery.

The second version of Predator Hunter that comes up in a search is a blog site that appeared in 2005, posted through the Tumblr website.


The odd thing is, this website is now gone as well.

So what gives?

Whether these were the same website creator or not, it is somewhat disappointing that someone appeared to have a very strong passion for exposing hypnotist predators,  (even though they might have been a tad bit extreme in their approach) but now both sites are no longer active.

HypnosisReality.com would very much like to know any pertinent predator data these sites might have  contained. It's unfortunate that it is somehow missing from the internet archives.

In closing, it is heartening to know that there are others out there who know of and understand the danger at hand when it comes to deviant hypnotists. It's even better to know that some are quite willing to do something about it. With that said... the first option should always be to address the matter within legal constraints. Getting them to pay as long as possible should always be the rule. In the end though, we could certainly use more hypno-predator hunters, willing to expose deviant hypnotists. The world at large is long overdue in understanding the truth about hypnosis abuse. With any luck, hopefully more people will rise to join the fight, to help inform and to educate about the dark realities of immoral, deviant hypnotists.

God only knows, we most certainly (desperately) need it.




Predator Hunter

Unknown Mr. Thingamabob